To include the command to defrag a drive in the context menu
you can expand the context menu for
disk drives to include the command to defragment them directly.
In the Registry Editor, navigate to the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT --> Drive --> shell.
Create a sub-key ‘Defrag’ using ‘Edit --> New --> Key’.
Create a sub-key ‘Command’ for the key ‘Defrag’ using ‘Edit --> New --> Key’.
The Right pane of the command key contains one string named DEFAULT
Double click on this string.
It opens a window in which we can provide a 'value data'
Enter 'Defrag.exe %1' in the value data column.
Close the registry and right click on any drive name to see the new context menu appears with immediate effect.
Note : The %1 in the value data column assigns the drive name to the defrag.exe program
Instead of the name 'Defrag' in the first sub-key, we can give another name. This key name appears in the context menu.
To speedly open several applications from start menu
While you select several applications from the Start menu Keep the [Shift] key pressed. The menu remains open
this way.
To reveal the IP addresses of your computer
You can reveal the IP addresses of your computer in the command prompt using
the command ‘ipconfig /all’.
To activates Numlock key while windows starts up
Go to registry editor
HKEY_USERS --> .DEFAULT --> Control
Panel --> Keyboard
This contains a character string "InitialKeyboardIndicators".
The default value of this key is 0. Modify this value as 2
To clean out 'Open With' menu
Go to registry editor
HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software --> Microsoft --> Windows --> CurrentVersion --> Explorer --> FileExts
Now, for example, if you have to remove programs from the Open With menu for HTML files, find the extension on the left that corresponds to HTML files.
Click on the “+” sign to expand it and find the “OpenWithList” key.
In the right pane you should see a list of programs, such as “notepad.exe”,“1stpage.exe”,"notepad++.exe","opera.exe","Coffee.exe" etc.
Select the ones you don’t want and delete them.
Next, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and find the same extension.
Again, navigate to “OpenWithList” and delete the unwanted programs.
To recreate 'Show Desktop Icon' in the Quick Launch Bar if it is not available there
Open Notepad, and type in the following:
Save this file as “Show Desktop.scf” by selecting the “Save as” type as All
Now drag this file to the Quick Launch toolbar....
your Show Desktop icon is restored.
Another way is to use the Regsvr32 command.
Go to Start > Run and type in “regsvr32 /n /i:U shell32.dll”. This should
restore the Show Desktop icon.
Create an XP CD that requires no driver installation
Download and install Windows Unattended CD Creator from
Launch the program
insert your Windows XP CD into the drive.
Copy all the contents of the CD.
Eject the CD after copying the files.
In the program’s first tab named ”Source CD”; click Select, and select the folder to
which you copied the CD’s contents.
Select “Target directory for new
CD” --> “Work in source directory”
Now select the Driver tab. (forget al other options)
Insert the driver CD that came with
your motherboard.
In the General Drivers text box, give a name to the driver group. for
example, “Mercury”.
Click Add.
After copying all driver files, select "Done" tab and click "Save" and then on "Create ISO images"
Enter the path where the image should be written to.
New menu item in File-->New
File --> New menu in Explorer window shows a list of files that you can create.
Second figure shows items in the New menu listed by right clicking on the desktop
You can also add new items to this list by modifying the registry. Before that, look at these files types entries in regitry. As an example take text document.
Open the registry and navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
Move to .txt --> "ShellNew"
It contains a string value named "NullFile". This key enables the "New" command to display text document as its sub menu. So create a string value "NullFile" in the sub key "ShellNew" for any file types you want to appear in the "New" menu and restart computer.
removing arrows from the shortcut icon
Usually shortcuts have an arrow. This can be removed by a small registry hacking
Go to the Regitry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mi
crosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons.If the key "Shell Icons" is not present ,create it.
Create a String value named "29" in the key "Shell Icons"
change the value of this string as "C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll,52"
Now close the regitry and restart machine.
The screen shots shows that the path of the icon is "G:\Winnt", don't worry in our system OS is installed in G: drive