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1Each students should posses own copy of school diary. It should be brought to school daily and be presented on demand
2Students should come to school strictly in uniforms
3Students are not allowed to go out of the school compound during school time
4School time is from 10 am to 4 pm.It is up to 4:30 pm for 10 ,11 and 12 th classes . Saturdays (except the second) are working days for higher secondary only
5Students have to salute in respect when teacher enters the class. They are allowed to sit again only at his permission. Salute should be given when the teacher leaves the class as well.
6Absence without leave, incompletion of class assignments and indecent behavior are serious offences; these reasons are enough to dismiss a student
7Leaves may be taken only due to unavoidable .A leave request by the parent, in school diary should be brought the next day itself
8Students of one class should not enter other classes without teacher's permission
9Boys should keep their hair neatly cut. Girls can tress the hair or arrange in length
10Students have to note the topics covered and works given in each period appropriately in the diary.
11Students should salute the principal and other teachers, coming across in the campus
12Students have to keep their uniforms, classroom etc neat and clean.
13Anybody who makes damages to school or its properties has to compensate for it.
14Books and text should be kept neatly and better hand writing may be practiced
15Those doing exam malpractices will be punished.
16Students have to abide by the orders of class leaders. Talking in the class after first bell is to be avoided
17Come to school in order and neatness
18Students should not enter the office, principal's room, labs or libraries without permission
19Keep in mind: this is your institution. Works for its and your prosperity
20Lost-picks should by given to the office
21Students should reach the school in time
22Members of ncc , scout and guides should return the uniforms and other related items in time.
23Students are not allowed to came to school on motor vehicles
24Never walk in groups inside and outside the campus
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:Pareeksha Bhavan
* Kerala Government

* India Government

* Finanace Department

* Public Relations Dept.

* Accountant General

* Kerala Govt. Gazatte
+ In India

+ To Muslim students

+ Edu. Dept. Govt. of India

+ Post Matric / Dist. Merit
~ Britannica

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~ school library journal

~ dictionary - Cambridge

~ dictionary - Webster
Developed by BINU K VARGHESE, Dept. of Computer Applications, RMHSS
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